
From launch, the DAO has complete ownership and comprehensive control over Salty.IO.

In addition to whitelisting tokens, specifying geo restrictions, replacing contracts, updating the active IPFS URL for the website, sending tokens, etc; the DAO adjusts multiple parameters which are defined in each of the following.

  • ExchangeConfig.sol

  • PoolsConfig.sol

  • StakingConfig.sol

  • RewardsConfig.sol

  • DAOConfig.sol

For safety, each included parameter can be increased or decreased by a fixed amount (specific to each parameter) and is bound within a reasonably sane range (which cannot be exceeded even by the DAO).

The Proposals.sol contract allows users to make and vote on proposals and handles proposal finalization (determining if proposals have met voting quorum, were approved, and what action should be taken on finalization).

Proposals have a default voting period of 10 days, and higher impact proposals (namely proposeSetAccessManager, and proposeWebsiteUpdate) trigger a mandatory followup confirmation vote after the initial proposal is approved (to prevent surprise last-minute approvals).

The DAO.sol contract also includes upkeep functionality such as withdrawing arbitrage profits from the Pools.sol contract.

Last updated