Technical Overview

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The Salty.IO codebase is divided up into the following folders:

/arbitrage - handles searching for arbitrage opportunities at user swap time - with the actual arbitrage swaps being done within Pools.sol itself.

/dao - handles creating governance proposals, voting, and acting on successful proposals. DAO adjustable parameters are stored in ~Config.sol contracts and are stored on a per folder basis.

/launch - handles the initial airdrop, initial distribution, and bootstrapping ballot (a decentralized vote by the airdrop recipients to start up the DEX and distribute SALT).

/pools - a core part of the exchange which handles liquidity pools, swaps, arbitrage, and user token deposits (which reduces gas costs for multiple trades) and pools contribution to recent arbitrage trades (for proportional rewards distribution).

/rewards - handles global SALT emissions, SALT rewards (which are sent to liquidity providers and stakers), and includes a rewards emitter mechanism (which emits a percentage of rewards over time to reduce rewards volatility).

/staking - implements a staking rewards mechanism which handles users receiving rewards proportional to some "userShare". What the userShare actually represents is dependent on the contract that derives from StakingRewards.sol (namely Staking.sol which handles users staking SALT, and Liquidity.sol which handles users depositing liquidity).

/ - includes the SALT token, the default AccessManager (which allows for DAO controlled geo-restriction) and the Upkeep contract (which contains a user callable performUpkeep() function that ensures proper functionality of ecosystem rewards, emissions, etc).

Last updated